Welcome to Johnny Appleseed Network!Why Johnny Appleseed? |
When one mentions the name Johnny Appleseed it brings to mind the legendary image of a man who traveled around our young nation in the 1800's, planting apple seeds and leaving behind acres of orchards that nourished families for generations. So one may wonder what that has to do with this web site covering interests such as computers, photography and travel. Historians say that the real Johnny Appleseed, John Chapman, was a practical nurseryman. He saw a real need and opportunity for service in supplying seeds and seedlings. I have worked with computers and people using computers in a variety of settings for about 20 years now, and now more than ever, I see a real need and opportunity for service in supplying help to computer users, whether it be a simple home user that can barely afford the purchase of a computer, or someone using a computer in a small office or corporate setting. Johnny Appleseed was a businessman, but he gave to his community without asking for much back. In my case, although my computer knowledge has helped me to make a living, my interest is in helping others to make the most out of their computer experiences. This would apply similarly to my other aspirations such as photography and travel. I also share Johnny Appleseed's interest in travel. He roamed the American wilderness for 49 years. I have seen much of the country and continue to roam the American wilderness and towns and cities and will share my experiences here in writing and pictures. Eventually, my travel plans include other countries around the world. Johnny wandered about barefoot, clad in rags. He lived very simply. He slept outdoors, ate berries and made his clothes from sacks. Perhaps one cannot live that simply in today's modern technological age, but one does not have to spend a lot to travel either. Hopefully by sharing my own experiences in budget travel, others can come to realize they too can travel if their hearts desire, no matter their income. Johnny Appleseed had an eccentric appearance, but he was regarded as a healer, and even something of a saint, by settlers and Indians alike. Eccentric is, by definition, a departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern. Perhaps in some ways I could fit this description of eccentric in how I carry out my activities and the way I live my life. History is full of remarkable people that fit this description, and if it were not for others wanting to depart from the normal way of doing things, the world would be a much different place. Unlike those that considered Johnny a saint, I certainly do not consider myself a saint, but I do have a strong desire to live an honest life and help my neighbor. Such is the way I live my life and share with my neighbors of myself and my skills. I hope that you can find some benefit and knowledge from your explorations of all that is available at johnnyappleseed.net. Sincerely, |
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This web site
is maintained
Johnny Appleseed Network ™
(Formerly The Color Computer Library)
Web site design, stories and photos © 1996 - 2017 Johnny
Appleseed Network™
and Writers: John Wight
aka Johnny Appleseed, and
Rick Davis
assisted by members of the Johnny Appleseed